Érame una vez...

Un taller de arquitectura...

Brining architecture to kids

During the three sessions of this workshop, the kids will get closer to the field of architecture designing of a floor plan, an elevation and a small sculpture of their city. Always guided by an experienced architect and teacher.
The main goal of the workshop is to bring kids to think about the space they live in, which colours and shapes it has, and how they manage to show these ideas using their own graphical language.

In groups of kids of diverse skills and various ages, the workshop will as well help them to get to know the team-working atmosphere, helping and complementing each other.

Mon-architect is an unforgettable experience that will lead kids to appreciate the world from a different perspective, enriching their learning abilities and comprehension, from creativity and entertainment.

In Granada, mon-architect workshops will take part on May the 9th, 16th and 23rd of 2015, in collaboration with Little 

London bookstore, located in Granados Street. The workshop will be from 10.00 to 11.00, with the following schedule:

T 1
Floor plan
Where is what?
[ 4, 20 ]
60 minutes
DIN A1, DINA A2, drawing and painting tools. Colourful stickers and white stickers.
T 2
What does your city look like?
[ 4 , 20 ]
60 minutes
DIN A1, DINA A2, drawing and painting tools.  Colourful stickers and white stickers.
T 3
All hands on deck!
[ 5, 15 ]
60 minutes
Handcraft tools, small piece of hard cardboard for each kid.  Colourful stickers and white stickers.

Tuition for the whole Workshops, which includes the three sessions and all working material, is 25€ per kid, being available also in Spanish from 11:30 to 12:30 on the very same days. For inscriptions and inquiries please contact us:

Conchi (Little London): littlelondondgranadoscoespacio@gmail.com +34 626717326
Ana  (architect): mombiedro.ana@mon-architect.com +34 618645836

These workshops are the starting point of a possible PhD of the teacher. Ana Mombiedro began her studies in Madrid and ended them in Finland, where she worked designing a Nursery, a School and a University. She is a teaching assistant at Colgate University (New York) and she is currently researching in Granada about the learning spaces, with the aim of improving the quality of teaching. During the workshop, photographs of children working might be taken, with absolute respect of their anonymity. The work produced will belong to the researcher’s database and after the workshop each child will receive a digital copy of his/her experience.
