Bibliografía recomendada:

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ARBIB, M. A. and PALLASMAA, J.; Hand and symbol: A dialogue between architecture and the science of the brain. PRWeb Newswire, San Diego, 2014.
ARNHEIM, R.; Art and visual perception, University of California Press, Berkeley, LA, 1974.
ALTER, A.; Drunk tank pink; And other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave. The Penguin Press, New York, 2012.
BACHELARD, G.; The Poetics of Space, Beacon Press, Boston, 1994.
BERGER, J.; Algunos pasos hacia una pequeña teoría de lo visible, Ádora Expres, Madrid 2009.
BLUMENFELD, H.; Neuroanatomy through clinical cases / hal blumenfeld, Sinauer Associates, 2010; 2nd ed.
BURKE, E.; De lo sublime y lo bello, Alianza, Madrid, 2001.
COOPER MARCUS, C.; Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces, Wiley, New Jersey, 2014.
EBERHARD, J.P.; Brain landscape: The coexistence of neuroscience and architecture. Oxford University Press, New York, 2009.
FELIPE, J.D.; El jardín de la neurología: Sobre lo bello, el arte y el cerebro. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Agencia estatal boletín Oficial Del Estado, Madrid, 2014.
GROVE, R., STEVENS, C., MCKECHNIE, S.; Thinking in Four Dimensions. Creativity and Cognition in Contemporary Dance, Melbourney University Press, 2005.
HUIZINGA, J.; De lo lúdico y lo serio, Casimiro libros, Madrid 2014.
HUSSERL, E.; Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México DF, 1949.
HUXLEY, A.; Las puertas de la percepción, Edhasa, Barcelona, Noviembre, 2012.
IMMORDINO-YANG, M.; Emotions, learning, and the brain: Exploring the educational implications of affective neuroscience. New York, NY, US: W. W. Norton & Co., 2016.
MERLEAU-PONTY, M.; Phenomenology of Perception, Routledge, New York, 1994.
MORA TERUEL, F.; Cómo funciona el cerebro, Alianza, Madrid,  2009; 2a. ed. act.
MORA TERUEL, F.; El Bosque de los Pensamientos, Alizanza, Madrid, 2009.
PALLASMAA, J.; Los ojos de la piel. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2006.
RAMACHANDRAN, V.S.; The emerging mind. Profile Books, London, 2003.
READ, G., FEUERSTEIN, M.F.; Architecture as a performing art. Burlington, Ashgate, 2013.
ROBINSON, S., PALLASMAA, J.; Mind in architecture: Neuroscience, embodiment, and the future of design. MIT Press, 2015.
SOFIA, G.; Le acrobazie dello spettatore : Dal teatro alle neuroscienze e ritorno; Bulzoni editore, Roma, 2013.
TANIZAKI, J., ESCOBAR, J.; El elogio de la sombra. 11a. ed. ed. Madrid: Siruela, 2001.
ZEKI, S.; 2005. Visión interior : Una investigación sobre el arte y el cerebro. Ed. Antonio Machado, Madrid, 2005.
ZUMTHOR, P.; Atmospheres. Birkhduser Verlag AG, Boston Berlin, 2006.
AMIR, O., BIEDERMAN, I., HAYWORTH, K.J.; The neural basis for shape preferences. Vis Res 51(20):2198-206, 2011.
BEATY, R.E., BENEDEK, M., SILVIA, P.J., SCHACTER, D.L;. Opinion: Creative cognition and brain network dynamics. Trends in Cognitive Science (Regul Ed ) 20:87-95, 2016.
BERTI, A. and FRASSINETTI, F;. When far becomes near: Remapping of space by tool use. J Cogn Neurosci 12(3):415-20, 2000.
BLAKEMORE, S.; Imaging brain development: The adolescent brain. Neuroimage 61(2):397-40, 2012.
CINZIA, D.D., VITTORIO, G.; Neuroaesthetics: A review. Current Opinion on Neurobiology 19(6):682-7, 2009.
EBERHARD JP.; Applying neuroscience to architecture. Neuron (6):753, 2009.
ELKINS, D.N.; Neuroscience and evolutionary theory: How our brains are evolved to heal through social means. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. p.53, 2016.
GALLESE, V.; Embodied simulation: From neurons to phenomenal experience. Phenomenology and Cognitive Science 4(1):23-48. 2005.
GARCÍA, M. L.M. and SANHUEZA, C.; Psicobiologia y neurociencia en la formación pedagógica. Revista De Psicología y Educación 1(3):149-61, 2008.
GOLEMBIEWSKI, J.A.; The designed environment and how it affects brain morphology and mental health. Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 9(2):161-71, 2016.
HEGDE, A.; Sensory sensitivity and the built environment. LD+A Magazine (1):56, 2015.
LEISMAN, G., MUALEM, R., MUGHRABI, S.K.; The neurological development of the child with the educational enrichment in mind. Psicología Educativa 21(2):79-96, 2015.
LIU, Z., NERSESSIAN, N.J., STASKO, J.T.; Distributed cognition as a theoretical framework for information visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computational Graphics 14(6):1173-80, 2007.
MONTELLO, D.R.; Spatial cognition and architectural space: Research perspectives. Architectural Design 84(5):74, 2014.
MOSTAFA, M.; Housing adaptation for adults with autistic spectrum disorder. Open House Int 35(1):37-48, 2010.
MOSTAFA, M.; An architecture for autism: Concepts of design intervention for the autistic user. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research (1):189, 2008.
MURRAY, M.M., THELEN, A., THUT, G., ROMEI, V., MARTUZZI, R., MATUSZ, P.J.; The multisensory function of the human primary visual cortex. Neuropsychology, 2015.
NANDA, U., PATI, D., GHAMARI, H., BAJEMA, R.; Lessons from neuroscience: Form follows function, emotions follow form. Intelligent Build Int 5(SUPPL1):61-78, 2013.
PURVES, D., AUGUSTINE, G.J., FITZPATRICK, D., HALL, W.C., LAMANITA, A., WHITE, L.E., Neuroscience (5th ed.), Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, US, 2012.
ROLLINS, M.; Neuroarthistory: From Aristotle and Pliny to Baxandall and Zeki. The Art Bulletin (3):377, 2009
SEL, A. and CALVO-MERINO, B.; Neuroarquitectura de la emoción musical. Revista de Neurología 56(5):289-97, 2013.
VARTANIAN, O., NAVARRETE, G., CHATTERJEE, A., FICH, L.B., LEDER, H., MODRONO, C., NADAL, M., ROSTRUP, N., SKOV, M.; Impact of contour on aesthetic judgments and approach-avoidance decisions in architecture. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(SUPPL2):10446-53, 2013.
VINAI, P., SPECIALE, M., VINAI, L., VINAI, P., BRUNO, C., AMBROSECCHIA, M., ARDIZZI, M., LACKEY, S., RUGGIERO, G.M., GALLESE, V.; The clinical implications and neurophysiological background of useing self-mirroring technique to enhance the identification of emotional experiences: An example with rational emotive behavior therapy. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (2):115, 2015.
ZSCHOCKE, N.; Art and architecture as experience: An alternative approach to bridging art history and the neurosciences. Cognitive Processing 13:S375-9, 2012.

Publicaciones a partir de conferencias.
PALLASMAA, J., MALLGRAVE, H.F., ROBINSON, S., GALLESE, V..; Architecture and empathy, Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation, Helisnki, 2016.
PALLASMAA, J., MALLGRAVE, H.F., ARBIB, M.; Architecture and Neuroscience, Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation, Helisnki, 2013.
BOEHME, G., GRIFFERO, T., THIBAUD, J.P., and PALLASMAA J.; Architecture and Atmosphere, Alvar Aalto Academy, Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation, Helisnki, 2012.
2012 ANFA Conference, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA.
2014 ANFA Conference, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA.

Conferencias accesibles a través de plataformas digitales
How architecture changes for the Deaf
Dr. Eve Edelstein, Saving lives by design, TEDxTucsonSalon
Vittorio Gallese: "From Mirror Neurons to Embodied Simulation"
Juhani Pallasmaa, How do we grasp space and place?
Juhani Pallasmaa: The Complexity of Simplicity - The Inner Structure of the Artistic Image
Michael Arbib: The Challenge of Adapting Neuroscience to the Needs of Architecture
Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas: Compassion in the Brain
Neuroeducación. Entrevista a Francisco Mora Teruel
